Susi's Profile
Joined on Feb 11, 2016
Status Level: Novice
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"From the last airbender series zuko,toph,katara 3 of them are alive"
1 -
"It says doctor . And i actually wanna become a doctor. . I have a state level exam next week which will give me oppurtunity to get in a…"
4 replies3 -
"I got a 100. . And btw most venomous snake is inland tipan and second is hydrophis beicheri. . . Well king cobra can be included as it…"
1 -
"My fav. 3 songs from red are
1. Treacherous
3. Everything has changed"1 -
"Awsm quiz . . I loved it . You are genious"
1 -
"My birthday's on june 21 . Some say its gemini cancer cusp so its hard to guess my zodiac . .but i got pisces which i am definately not"
1 -
"I got 100% but you know what strongest known substance is boron carbide"