are you going to heaven or hell

dfhbkjfdnvfdkj jdshvkj l fdjknvfdkjfeitu scuvndv xkjtrrnvnrjc xjhfghurn kxenjnv sjrvnn sjjfvdn sjnfuirn cjdjgrjv jfhifduhvn dfjvfj dfhvj dfjhun jfdhvufdhir

hbfknxz jbdhwefjnvxz cnsnjmbbkjcnhfjbn fdkj gfn iujg n fkdjvdfnv jfdnvjd kjdf nvnk nfdjnjfd kjjdbfd jn kvjn fkjnb kvxdigiknb mmqm bb\b jkcvhbiufv08u4fvng

Created by: linhthetwin
  1. you see a homeless person on the street you
  2. your friend forgot their lunch you
  3. you and your friends are having a sleepover there are 3 of you and two mattresses you
  4. you are given a choice a knife or a piece of cheese
  5. you see a hungry on guard dog what do you do with your item (please only choose one with the item you chose)
  6. who do you think you are
  7. what song
  8. i am wasting time
  9. i hate you
  10. ready to see result

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Quiz topic: Am I going to heaven or hell
