What part of heaven or hell are you?

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This quiz is about which part of heaven or hell you are. It’s even in the title! So I’m sure that you could tell. BRO! YOU NEED 150 WORDS FOR THIS? 3 yay

Bonjour! Cette quiz à propos quelle part de heaven ou hell (je ne sais pas trop francaise.) je besoin des mots donc je suis en train de ecrit les mots et j’ai fini!

Created by: Guthrie and fia
  1. How kind are you to others
  2. Do you get good grades?
  3. Do you love animals
  4. What is your favourite color out of these?
  5. What out of these do you like?
  6. What is your favourite time of day?
  7. What is your favourite celebration?
  8. What do you do when you get harassed?
  9. What’s your favourite mythical creature of these four?
  10. Finally, what’s your favourite type of book?

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Quiz topic: What part of heaven or hell am I?
