Will You Go To Heaven or not????

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Please do this quiz and find out id you will go to heaven or hell! even if you dont believe in god you still can! me myself do not believe in him but it was still fun making this quiz.

i really hope you like it! it took me ages to make and once the whole thing deleted when i was nearly done so i want to make my hard work worth it! thanks 4 doing this quiz!

Created by: larathegr8
  1. You're parents have left you home alone for an hour or 2. they tell you to do your homework and eat fruit if your hungry. do you,
  2. It's April fools day!!!! what trick do you play?
  3. It's Your worst enemy's b-day, what prezzie do u get them?
  4. pick a color;
  5. pick a food
  6. are you honest?
  7. are you clever?
  8. what sort of house is ur dream house;
  9. ur fav clothes;
  10. did u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Will I Go To Heaven or not????
