Where will you go when you die?

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Hey! Play this quiz to find out if you belong in heaven, hell, or purgatory! If you’re lucky you could even be immortal! Go to the next paragraph for more info.

Remember, this quiz is just for fun. It may not be the truth. So don’t freak out if you get something you don’t like or didn’t expect. I hope you have fun!

Created by: Cara games
  1. What kind of music do you listen to?
  2. Do you like violence?
  3. Do you like peace?
  4. Your bully gives you the evil eye. What do you do?
  5. You’re half way through. Do you like this quiz so far? Be honest!
  6. How often do you go to church?
  7. How often do you get in trouble?
  8. Do you cuss?
  9. Ok you’re almost done. Now... IM A BANANA!!!
  10. Last question... are you ready for it? Here it is... WHERE DO YOU THINK YOULL END UP?

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Quiz topic: Where will I go when you die?
