Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd sighed overdramatically, but chuckled.
Chester smiled. ‘Love you.’
"Love you too." Jayden smiled.
Chester rubbed his back soothingly.
Jayd blushed, closing his eyes.
Chester continued to massage him, moving his hands up at down. ‘Lie down,’ he murmured.
Jayd chuckled, laying down on his stomach. "Like this?"
Chester smiled. ‘Yeah. Just tell me if you feel any discomfort, OK?’
Jayden nodded. "Yeah, ok."
Chester rubbed Jayden’s back. ‘This feel OK?’ he checked.
Jayd gave a small nod. "Yeah."
Chester smiled, continuing to massage him.
"Why are you doing this?" Jayden mumbled.
‘What, don’t you like it?’
"I do." Jayd nodded. "But why are you doing this?"
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