Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'That information isn't valid anymore.' -
"Sure it is, it's the right information." Jayd smiled.
(Dammit, gtg for the day, bye!) -
(dammit, bye!)
'It's completely wrong!' Chester argued. -
"No way!" Jayden shook his head. "It's the right one!"
‘It’s not!’
Jayden nodded. "It is!"
‘Then why isn’t my tail beating me up?’
Jayden looked at Chester's tail. "That's a good question. Tail, whack him if he's lying."
His tail didn’t move.
"You're wrong, tail." Jayd chuckled.
Chester rolled his eyes. ‘Since when has the tail ever been wrong?’
"Since now." Jayden decided.
Chester chuckled. ‘If you say so,’ he said. He morphed into a half phoenix. ‘There, that’s much better.’
Jayden shrugged. "i miss the tail." He chuckled.
Chester rolled his eyes. ‘Of course you do,’ he said with a chuckle.
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