Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd blushed. "What're you thinking bout?" He asked quietly, not sure if he wanted an answer or not.
'Nothin',' Chester murmured with a small smile. His tail whacked his leg, but Chester didn't mind.
"Oh reaaally?" Jayden teased.
Chester chuckled. 'Mhm.'
Jayd looked at Chester's tail. "Whack him if he's lying." He chuckled.
Chester's tail hit him. 'You're very annoying.'
Jayden nodded. "I know."
Chester smiled and grabbed his tail to make it stop hitting him.
Jayd laughed. "Alright tail, you can stop... If you can get Chester to tell me what he's thinking about." He grinned.
Chester blushed. 'Just thinking about how beautiful you are,' he mumbled, running his hand through Jayden's hair. 'And how much I want you.'
Jayden blushed. "Thanks, love." He smiled. "But you're much more beautiful."
Chester shook his head. 'No you're not.'
Jayd raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" He asked with a teasing smile.
(OOP I'm*)
Chester chuckled. 'Yep.' -
(Yeah, I know lmao)
"Funny, last time I checked, you're the much more beautiful one."
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