Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester hugged him back, burying his face in his shoulder.
Jayd looked back at him. "I'm so sorry." He murmured.
‘You didn’t do anything,’ Chester mumbled.
"I'm still sorry you have to deal with this."
Chester’s arms tightened slightly around him. ‘Thanks, I guess.’
Jayd didn't mind how tight the hug was. "You're welcome."
Chester sighed. He buried his face back in Jayden’s shirt, then eventually pulled ages.
Jayden gave a gentle smile. "Feel a bit better?" He asked hopefully.
Chester smiled weakly. ‘A little,’ he mumbled.
"That's pretty good." Jayd smiled wider.
Chester smiled more genuinely. ‘I guess. What now?’
Jayden chuckled. "I dunno, we can keep talking if you want."
(Gonna go for the night, it's l a t e where I'm at lol) -
(Lol cya!)
‘Good idea,’ Chester said, plopping himself on Jayden’s bed. -
Jayd nodded. "What else do you want to talk about?"
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