Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester pulled him closer. He kissed where his jaw and neck connected, then his cheek, then his lips.
Jayd's eyes widened before he closed them, blushing.
Chester closed him eyes. He was glad Jayden hadn't pulled away yet.
Jayden tried- and almost succeeded actually- to shut up the voices in his head yelling to pull away. He didn't end up shutting them up, but he also didn't pull away, so he considered that a win.
Chester eventually broke the kiss.
Jayd pulled away slightly, opening his eyes.
Chester pressed kisses into his neck. 'I love you.'
Jayden blushed. "Love you too." He murmured.
Chester pulled him closer.
Jayd didn't move away, looking at him with a small smile.
Chester smiled. 'You sure this isn't too much?' he murmured.
"Not quite." Jayd mumbled, smiling.
'So I can go further?'
Jayden gave a small nod. "Nothing too far though, ok?" He asked softly. He wasn't sure if he could handle if Chester did anything crazy.
Chester kissed Jayden's shoulder. 'Promise.'
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