Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester grabbed his hand and stood up. -
Jayden pulled him up fast, smiling. -
Chester stumbled a little, standing very close to him. He blushed. 'Remember the first time this happened?' he murmured.
Jayden blushed, nodding. "First day we met, right?"
'Yep. That's when I fell for you. Hard,' Chester said, wrapping an arm around Jayden's waist.
Jayden blushed. "Glad to know my energeticness earned me a boyfriend." He grinned.
'Yep,' Chester said with a smile. He gently kissed Jayden's neck. 'I hope you know how long I wanted to do this.'
Jayd smiled. Part of his mind was screaming to pull back as fast as possible, but he didn't.
Chester kissed his cheek. He wanted to do more, but Jayden was still scared of him. He didn't want to make that worse.
Jayden blushed, looking at Chester. "You can do it." He said, practically reading him mind. "If you want."
(Gtg, hopefully I'll be back, but no promises!) -
(alr, cya!)
Chester looked at him skeptically. 'Are... are you sure?'
Without his permission, Chester's arms tightened around Jayden's waist, pulling him closer. -
Jayd blushed harder, chuckling. "Yeah. If you go too far, I'll pull away from you, ok?"
Chester pressed kissed into his neck. 'Mmkay,' he murmured.
Jayden smiled, wrapping his arms around Chester's neck.
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