Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Maeve rolled her eyes. "Fine. Keep your secrets."
‘Thank you.’
Maeve shrugged, eating her salad.
Jayden grabbed his food.
(Gtg, I'll be back in like, 30 minutes hopefully!) -
Chester did the same. -
Jayden handed Chester some silverware.
Chester mumbled a thanks and took the silverware awkwardly.
Jayd took a bite out of his salad.
Chester did the same.
Maeve didn't like feeling like she was in the dark about whatever was going on. She ate her food quickly. "Cya." She said before disappearing.
Chester sighed. He looked at Jayden. ‘Want to talk about it?’
Jayden shrugged. "Sure."
‘Do you trust me?’
Jayd hesitated before nodding. "Yes." In reality, he was terrified that the opposite might be true.
Chester really didn’t like the hesitation. ‘Are you sure?’
Jayden really wished he didn't ask a second time. He nodded after another moment of hesitation.
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