Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
He didn’t need to, because Chester pulled him closer.
Jayden gave a small smile. "I love you." Even if half of me is scared of you.
‘Love you too, Jayden,’ Chester said softly.
Jayd wrapped Chester in a small hug.
Chester smiled, hugging him back.
Jayden smiled, not letting go for a long time.
Chester didn’t either.
When he finally did, he looked up at Chester, still smiling.
Chester smiled back.
Jayden smiled slightly wider. Maeve teleported in his room.
"Lunch is ready." She said before poofing away again. -
Chester glanced at the spot Maeve disappeared from, before standing up and holding out a hand for Jayden.
Jayd took it gingerly, standing up.
Chester helped him up. He was noting every little thing about Jayden, the way he carefully took his hand, how he stood up, the faint freckle on his cheek.
Jayden noticed him staring. "What're you thinking about?" He asked curiously.
(Dammit, gtg, I'll be back in about an hour if I'm lucky) -
(Alr, cya)
Chester flushed in embarrassment. ‘Nothing,’ he said, looking away.
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