Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester didn’t believe him. He looked down.
Jayd winced, grabbing Chester's hands to try and make him feel better.
Chester’s heart fluttered, like it always did when Jayden was close. He looked down at their hands.
Jayden gave a small smile. "We'll figure it out, ok?" He said, desperately hoping it'd be true at some point.
Chester nodded. He kissed the back of Jayden’s left hand. ‘We will,’ he promised.
Jayd smiled slightly wider. "Good." He murmured.
(Sorry for disappearing)
Chester smiled. -
Jayden leaned into him ever so slightly. -
Chester blushed. His heart did a flip.
Jayden looked up at him, noticing how much he was blushing. He chuckled.
Chester smiled. He wrapped an arm around him.
Jayd blushed.
Chester was relieved Jayden didn’t pull away. He took another bite of his food.
Jayden ate his as well.
Chester shuffled slightly closer to Jayden.
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