Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden blushed before pulling him into a tight hug. He tried to shut the paranoid ah-but-he's-a-murderer part of his brain up. "Same."
*tighter hug
Chester let him. He hugged him back, if anything tighter. ‘I love you,’ he murmured.
"Love you too." Jayd mumbled, blushing. He wished the hug could last forever.
(Aaaand I gtg, hopefully I'll be back in like, 30-ish minutes!) -
Chester didn’t want to let go. So he simply didn’t.
(Alr, cya!) -
Jayden didn't either. He looked up at Chester, giving a small smile.
Chester glanced down at him. He smiled softly.
"I'm still sorry I made you cry." Jayd murmured.
Chester shook his head. Don’t be.’
"Why not? It was a jerk thing to do."
‘You didn’t make me cry. I was mad at myself.’
"Well I certainly didn't help. And don't you dare tell me it's fine, because it isn't."
Chester just smiled. ‘I love you. I’m not mad at you, and you shouldn’t be mad at yourself.’
Jayd couldn't help but give a weak smile back. "Fine, but same goes for you."
Chester shook his head. ‘I don’t agree with that that part.’
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