Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘If you want to,’ Chester said, opening the door.
Neo had a small stack of newspapers that he handed to Chester.
"I don't mind." Jayden gave a small shrug. -
Chester took them. ‘Thanks,’ he said, flipping through the headlines. He looked back at Jayden.
Jayd raised an eyebrow. "What's written on them?" He asked quietly, standing up.
‘There’s a lot,’ Chester said. He set the pile on his desk and looked through it. ‘Come see if you want.’
Jayden walked over to the desk, looking at the papers. He frowned.
Chester pulled one out that interested him. It was titled ‘Astrid out, Jayden in!’. He held it up. ‘Mind if I read this?’
Jayd nodded. "I don't mind."
Chester skimmed the article.
(gtg for class, might be back) -
Jayden watched, looking to see his reaction. -
Chester, as calmly as he could, put down the paper when he was finished with it. He didn't say anything.
Jayd looked down at the newspaper before looking up at Chester.
Chester sighed. 'You OK?'
Jayden gave a small nod, not looking Chester in the eye.
Chester stood up and pulled him into a hug. 'You sure I can't fight your brother?' he mumbled
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