Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"I don't hate you." Jayden mumbled. "But I don't know how you'll make me less scared."
Chester studied his face. He gently grabbed his hand again.
Jayd tried to control how much his hand was shaking, trying to calm his body by doing breathing exercises.
(hey, you probably need to sleep? lol)
Chester wrapped an arm around him, slowing down his own breathing to calm Jayden. -
(i need to go have some dinner anyway, be back in 20)
(I'll go after this post ughhhhh..... It's so g o o d tho)
Jayden stiffened at first before slowly relaxing. He was still shaking a little. -
(IK ;-;)
Chester didn't go any further. To think, if he'd kept his stupid mouth closed and responded to Jayden's question with something flirty like 'You', they wouldn't be in this mess.
'Better?' he said softly, He held Jayden's hand, massaging it gently to make it stop shaking. 'What exactly are you scared of?' -
You hurting me. Or lying to me again. Or hurting more people. He didn't answer out loud.
(Might disappear randomly, sorry)
Jayd looked up at him. "Do you want a real answer?" He asked quietly, the hand he wasn't holding clenched into a fist. -
Chester nodded. 'Always.'
"Fine." Jayden took a deep breath before saying the next part in a rush. "I'm scared that you'll hurt other people- that you'll hurt me, which is stupid since this happened years ago, and I'm scared you're keeping other things secret from me, and that you're lying to me. Happy?"
Chester stared at him a moment. He looked away. 'Jayden, I don't know how to make this better,' he said, staring at the arm he'd wrapped around his boyfriend, then taking it off him. He was close to crying, the tears welling in his eyes. 'I love you. I'd never hurt you, or somebody else. I swear I'm not lying to you about anything else.' Chester looked at him. 'It's yours to decide what we're going to do, OK?'
Jayd looked at Chester, noticing he was close to tears. He buried his head in his hands. He hated knowing he was the reason Chester was upset. He looked at his shoes, his own eyes filling up with tears.
'Hey, hey,' Chester said softly. He grabbed both of Jayden's hands and moved them away from his face. 'You're OK. We're OK. What do you want to do about this, hmm?'
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