Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'You're not scared of me, right? This was when I was 16.'
Jayden didn't know how to answer that. His heart was saying no, he wasn't scared of him, whereas his brain was screaming to run because MURDERER, and considering the fact that his body was involuntarily shaking, he was pretty sure his body was scared of him too.
Chester grabbed his hand. He felt it shaking. His heart sunk further into his stomach and he let go.
Jayd grimaced. "I-I'm sorry." He said quietly. He forgave Chester for the actual murder- it didn't seem like it was his fault other than just unawareness- but the fear? That was going to stay, regardless of how the story turned out.
Chester shook his head. 'Why?' He looked at Jayden's hand. 'Are you scared of me?' he asked again.
Jayden's eyes welled up with tears again, and he gave a small, barely noticeable- God, he hoped Chester didn't notice- nod.
Chester did notice. He was studying Jayden's face very closely. His own eyes welled with tears.
Why had he thought he could tell Jayden? He was always going to get the same reaction.
He stepped closer and wiped Jayden's tears. 'Hey, that's OK,' he said softly. -
"I'm s-sorry." Jayd said again, feeling like such a lowlife for being scared of his own boyfriend. He wanted to give Chester a hug, but his mind and body wouldn't let him, screaming that he had killed people when he was just 16.
Chester shook his head. 'No, it's OK,' he said softly. 'Do you... do you want me to leave? I can go if you want.'
Jayd's mind practically split in two with that question. On one hand, Chester always made him feel better and comforted him, and god knows Jayden both needed and wanted that, but on the other hand, he needed to think about how he felt about a murderer boyfriend without that same murderer boyfriend in the room. But on the other, other hand, he REALLY didn't want to be alone.
"Stay." Jayd said, his voice sounding like a squeak. "If you don't mind." -
Chester smiled softly. 'I don't mind at all.'
He was relieved Jayden wasn't so scared he'd want Chester to leave. But the fact he was scared at all made Chester hate himself. Maybe he could convince Jayden he wasn't a psycho killer. Or make things worse. -
Jayden gave a weak smile back. He sat down on the floor, knees to his chest.
Chester sat next to him. Of course Jayden wouldn't want to sit on a murderer's bed.
'What can I say to make this better?' he said. 'To make you not hate me and not be afraid?' -
"I-I didn't say I hated you." Jayd corrected quietly.
'I don't care. I bet you're thinking it,' Chester said. 'You're scared of me. And rightfully so. What can I do to make you unafraid?'
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