Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester smiled, eyes opening. He ran his finger down Jayden's neck. 'How beautiful,' he mumbled.
"You're more beautiful." Jayden murmured.
'Don't lie to me, Celeste.
"I would never lie to you, Chester."
Chester kissed his neck. 'Hmph.'
"What? Don't like admitting you're the more beautiful one?"
'No,' Chester murmured, pecking his neck again. 'It's just not true.'
"But it is." Jayd insisted, smiling.
'It's not,' Chester murmured. He automatically wrapped his arms around his waist.
Jayden blushed, not pulling away. "It is, love. I promise."
'Nope,' Chester mumbled, kissing his shoulder.
Jayd cupped Chester's chin in his hand so he'd have to make eye contact with him. "Yes." He insisted. "You're the more beautiful one."
Chester smiled as he gazed into Jayden's eyes. The beautiful man he had against the wall. Chester kissed him.
Jayden blushed, closing his eyes.
Chester closed his eyes.
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