Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'Oh, I will,' Chester said with a grin, kissing his cheek. 'Do people still have month-aversaries these days?'
Jayd shrugged. "If you want to." He smiled. He didn't mention he normally forgot those types of things far too quickly to be normal.
'Hm. But do you want to?' Chester asked. 'Yes, that does count as my question.'
Jayden chuckled. "I don't mind. Just don't expect me to remember it half the time."
'Fair enough,' Chester said, pulling him close. 'Your turn for a question.'
Jayd thought for a bit. "You know I love you, more than anything else on this earth, right?"
Chester's tail flicked. 'Hm. I suppose I do now.'
Jayden's smile faded slightly. "You should've known that this whole time, love. Have I not told you enough?"
Chester kissed his forehead. 'I know you love me. I mean, who couldn't? I'm very lovable,' he teased, wiggling his brows. 'But I never realized I was number 1. Sorry.'
"Very loveable." Jayd murmured, blushing. "But you're not allowed to apologize about that. I'll tell you more, ok?"
'You don't need to. I'll be mentioning my feelings for you way too much.'
"Nope, I'll be mentioning mine too." Jayden chuckled.
Chester huffed. 'Fine.'
Jayd raised an eyebrow. "Are you upset that I'll be mentioning how much I love you?" He chuckled.
Chester rolled his eyes. 'Not what I meant.'
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