Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"I know. It's your turn, love."
' "Why" was my question.'
Jayden rolled his eyes, chuckling. "Whatever. Why do you want to start fights with my family so bad?"
'They deserve it if they're so horrible to you.'
Jayd didn't respond to that. "What'd I do to deserve someone like you?" He asked quietly, not expecting an answer.
Chester just smiled and shrugged.
Jayden smiled back, leaning into him slightly.
Chester held him. 'I love you.'
"I love you too." Jayd murmured, smiling.
Chester pressed kisses into his neck.
Jayden blushed, smiling.
(Gonna go, I'll be back in 3 hours, max!) -
(kk, bye)
Chester grinned. After a little bit, he pulled his head back up. 'My turn or yours?' -
"Yours." Jayden answered, still bright red.
Chester touched his cheek, smiling. 'You know, your cheek is very red.'
"N-no it isn't." Jayd mumbled.
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