Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'It is.'
Jayden shook his head, trying to stop blushing.
Chester just smiled. 'OK. Do you think your parents will approve of me if I don't fight them?'
"Do you want an honest answer, or a 'you're my boyfriend so I'm going to be nice about it' answer?" Jayd asked bluntly.
'The first one.'
"Then I don't know." Jayden gave a shrug. "But you're my boyfriend, so they'll have to at least tolerate you."
Chester's smiled faltered slightly. 'So that's a no, then?'
"Well, I've never exactly brought a boyfriend home before, so I don't know how they'll react." Jayd shrugged again. "But you're you, so I doubt they'll have many reasons to hate you."
'So I'm the first?' Chester mused, propping himself up on his elbows. 'That makes me feel special.'
"You are special." Jayden smiled, patting Chester on the head. "In a good way, obviously."
Chester's tail wagged. He smiled. 'Well, that's good to hear,' he said, laying back down. 'So, hypothetically, if I proposed, your parents would give me their blessing? Hypothetically.'
Jayd blushed. "Well, hypothetically, I don't know. I hope so." He smiled.
Chester smiled. 'Me too. Hypothetically.'
Jayden laughed. "How hypothetically is this?" He teased.
Chester blushed. 'Not very much at all,' he mumbled. He flicked Jayden's nose. 'But don't get any ideas. I'm not proposing.'
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