Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Ok." Jayden gave a weak smile.
Chester held him close. 'Next question.'
Jayd thought for a moment. "If you come to my castle next week, you know you're not allowed to start a bunch of fights with my family, right?"
'Ugh, fine.'
Jayden chuckled.
Chester smiled. 'But if they do anything to upset you, I'm not hesitating.'
"Nope. I don't need my boyfriend starting fights." Jayden chuckled.
Chester shrugged. 'You might have to deal with it.'
Jayd rolled his eyes. "Why?" He complained, laughing.
'Because I'm very protective and pretty possessive.'
Jayden chuckled. "You're going to murder Oliver for giving you those truth pills, huh?"
Jayd laughed. "Well thank you, for offering to start fights with my family."
Chester chuckled. 'You're very welcome, my love.'
Jayden smiled, leaning into Chester slightly.
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