Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester held him close. 'Next question.'
"I think it's your turn." Jayd smiled.
'Hm. Why can't I start fights with your family?'
"Because it's not worth it. They'll just get upset with you."
'I don't care.'
Jayden rolled his eyes. "But I care."
Chester sighed. 'Fine. If they don't bother you first.'
Jay figured that was the best deal he was going to get. "Fine."
Chester smiled. 'Your turn.'
"Hm..." Jayden thought. "You know you're not allowed to call my brother an a--hole to his face either, right?"
'Ugh, why?'
"Because, I don't need my family to have reasons to not like you, love."
Chester huffed. 'Fine. Next question.'
"Ok." Jayden smiled.
'That's not a question.'
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