Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'Do your parents and brother live with you in the palace?'
Jayden nodded before thinking and giving a so-so hand gesture. "My brother doesn't stay around much since I became king, but he lives there."
'Why DID you become king?'
"That's 2 questions." Jayd said quietly.
'You can ask me two questions after.'
Jayden sighed. "Well, the townspeople didn't like some of his laws because they were... Not great. Eventually it got to the point where he had to step aside, and my parents are considered too old to take over the throne. So... I became king."
Chester held him close. 'Well, at least your citizens agreed with the fact he's an a--hole. What... what kind of laws did he make?' he asked. Chester was well aware he was asking 3 questions, but he'd asked like 6 a few minutes before and that had turned out fine.
"How many questions are you going to ask this round?" Jayd asked with a chuckle, but one that didn't have a lot of humor in it.
'As many as I need to.'
"That's not vague at all. I'll see if I can show you a newspaper showing the laws he made." He didn't doubt Neo had a copy stored somewhere.
'Can't you just tell me?' Chester mumbled, still playing with Jayden's hair.
"That's four questions." Jayd teased.
'I don't care.'
"Fine. I could tell you, but I'm sure there are dozens of rules I've forgot he's made since it's been a while."
'Go on.'
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