Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester thought about it for a moment. The most effective prank they'd played ended horrible. He decided Jayden meant most funny by 'best'. 'When we took all the feathers out of Maeve's nanny's pillow and glued them to her bedframe.'
"I bet. Did her bed look like a chicken?" He laughing imagining it.
Chester laughed. 'That's what Maeve said,' he chuckled. It had been so maybe years ago, six at least, but the memory seemed so vivid. Maeve had only been 9.
Jayden laughed. "Awesome."
Chester smiled. He kissed Jayden's forehead. 'You would've loved it, I imagine.'
"I bet." Jayd nodded.
Mahina chuckled.
(Lil baby typooo)
Jayden laughed. "Your turn to ask a question." -
'Hm..' Chester hummed. 'What did you mean when you said before 'you obviously don't know my family'? When I said how they'd be proud of you?' -
Jayden frowned, looking down. "I meant, they're not proud of me." He said quickly and quietly, hoping Chester wouldn't hear.
Chester gently tilted Jayden's head back up so he could look him in the eye. 'Why not?'
That's two questions, Jayd thought, but he didn't say it. "Because my brother was so much more responsible, and smarter, and polite than me when he was my age." He said with a small shrug, the bitterness slightly showing in his voice. "Doubt the news articles helped too."
To be honest, Chester had been surprised when Jayden's family hadn't sent a letter or even called when those news articles came out. Did that happen often?
'Have there been articles before?' Chester asked, a frown pressing his brows together. 'Before us?' -
Jayd shrugged. "Nothing with concrete proof about anything, just rumors about me, and the weird board room I have to talk to, and all the 'unroyal' shenanigans I get into. Nothing like this though, with actual photos and proof that we're together."
Chester couldn't help hating that. He scowled. That's how humans treated their kings? Chester didn't have a board room. He barely met with the government of his kingdom, or the prime minister, or even his royal advisor. Only at formal meetings.
'There's nothing wrong with you and I being together. Why don't you just get rid of the stupid board? And what kind of rumour?'
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