Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden nodded. "I promise you, the hotter one is you." He said before kissing him.
Chester let him. He didn’t argue, instead kissed him back.
Jayd closed his eyes, blushing.
(Gonna go, dunno if I'll be back though!) -
(Alr, bye!)
Chester pulled him closer by the waist. -
Jayd didn't pull away for a while. Eventually though, he broke the kiss, opening his eyes.
Chester opened his eyes. He gazed at him for a moment.
Jayden noticed, smiling. "Hey, beautiful."
Chester smiled. 'Hey, hot stuff,' he said with a small smirk.
Jayd blushed. "Not nearly as hot as you, love." He chuckled.
Chester shook his head.
Jayden nodded. "Stop arguing with me about this."
Chester immediately shut up. 'Fine,' he huffed, but kissed his neck.
Jayd didn't realize it was considered a command until a minute later, chuckling. "You're allowed to argue with me, love. Just... No arguing."
'I'm allowed to but I'm not?' Chester murmured. 'That's not confusing at all.'
"I won't force you to not argue with me." Jayden chuckled. "But you shouldn't argue with me since I'm right."
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