Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
(Sorry for disappearing)
Chester smiled, holding him. -
Jayden smiled back, kissing his cheek. -
Chester grinned.
"Love you." Jayd said happily.
Chester kissed his forehead. ‘Love you too.’
Jayden blushed, grinning.
Chester pulled him closer. ‘Who’s turn is it?’
"Don't remember." Jayd chuckled.
‘I think it’s yours to ask.’
Jayden nodded. "Hmm... Ok." He looked at Chester, knowing he'd have to tell the truth. "How much do you love me?"
‘Oh god, so much,’ Chester murmured, burying his face in his shirt. ‘So much, way more than anything else.’
Jayd blushed hard, grinning. "Awwwww." He teased. "I love you too."
Chester smiled. ‘Love you more.’
"Not possible." Jayden kissed the top of his head.
‘Very possible.’
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