Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester shook his head. He clenched Jayden’s hand with both of his. ‘No, no I can’t say it.’
Jayden frowned. "Ok." He said quietly.
Chester’s grip on him tightened. The headache started up again. ‘No, no, you’ll hate me. I can’t let you hate me. I can’t lose you,’ he mumbled, shutting his eyes tight.
"Hey, hey, I won't hate you, and I won't leave you." Jayd used his other hand to cup Chester's cheek in his hand. "I'm not leaving you, so no panicking about that."
Chester forced a nod, Jayden’s touch anchoring him a little. ‘Yeah.. yeah, ok.’
Jayden kissed his forehead, giving a small smile. "Don't you dare worry about losing me."
Chester gave a weak smile. ‘O-OK,’ he mumbled.
Jayd moved his hand away from Chester's cheek slowly, still worried.
Chester knew that if he asked again, he wouldn’t be able to contain himself. He wasn’t sure what he hoped for.
"You alright?" Jayden asked softly, knowing Chester looked like a nervous wreck. "Do you need anything?"
Chester shook his head. ‘No, no, I’m fine,’ he said quietly.
Jayd squeezed Chester's hand. "Remember what I literally just said, about you being able to tell me anything?" He reminded him.
‘Yeah.’ He still thought Jayden would hate him. He thought his boyfriend jump away from him and exclaim, or shout at him, or just give him a look of disgust that would make his heart sink.
Jayden nodded. "Just making sure." He said softly. "Love you."
(Gonna go for the day, bye!) -
Chester exhaled. ‘Love you too.’
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