Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Yep, the reporters,’ Chester paused. ‘Who’s your brother?’
Jayd looked down. "Astrid Celeste."
‘Astrid..’ Chester mumbled.l, feeling like he’d heard that name before. ‘What did he do?’
"Recently, or in general?"
‘Both, I guess. Let’s start with in general.’
"He's a brat that thinks because he's the oldest, he deserves all the inheritance stuff. And he was the favorite kid." Jayd shrugged. "Doesn't help that we never agree on anything."
Chester raised an eyebrow. ‘Seems a little more than sibling rivalry.’
"Yeah." Jayden admit. "Yeah, it's more than that." He thought of the reporter talking about his brother's reaction, and realized that was probably on the newspapers now. He grimaced to himself.
Chester noticed his expression. ‘Do you mind telling me?’
Jayd thought for a moment about that. "Sure." He sighed, gripping the blanket under him tight.
Chester cupped his hands over his boyfriend’s. ‘Go on.’
"When I was talking with that reporter before our date, he said he interviewed my brother about the whole thing, and my brother..." He exhaled sharply. "Astrid said I was a disgrace to my family, and that he wouldn't have allowed it if he was still king."
Chester stared at him. His expression was of shock until it turned to anger. He clenched his jaw. ‘The little prick,’ he mumbled, but tried to keep calm for Jayden’s sake.
Jayd looked up at him after a bit. "Hey, it's ok." He mumbled, even though it was very much not ok.
‘It really isn’t,’ Chester said. He kissed Jayden’s forehead. ‘That’s not OK. What does he mean, he “wouldn’t have allowed it”? Bulls---! You’re allowed to be with you wish, if anything, you’re family would be proud of you.’
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