Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Did you see any of that!’ Chester said. He glanced at his tail. ‘I hate it when you kiss me,’ he said, just to check. It happened again, just 10 times worse.
Jayden laughed. "Stop it, you're just hurting yourself."
Chester huffed. His tail was still smacking his face. ‘Just checking.’
"Hey tail, leave Chester alone."
Chester’s tail obeyed. ‘Damn, my tail loves you too.’
Jayden laughed. "Tail, hit him gently when he lies. Please."
Chester chuckled. ‘Hopefully it agreed. Now, next question.’
Jayd thought more. "Uhm... Why don't you like pranks?"
‘Because they’re irresponsible and I’m scared of the people I love getting hurt,’ Chester answered immediately. He frowned. ‘I did NOT want to say that.’
Oliver popped his head in again. ‘That’s also a side effect of the pills.’
‘So now I don’t have a choice?!’ -
Oliver nodded. "Yup, pretty much!"
Jayd chuckled, looking back at Chester. "Fair enough." -
‘I wouldn’t have taken your pills if you told me about these side effects.’
‘Get out!’
Oliver rolled his eyes and left. -
Jayd looked at Chester, chuckling.
Chester huffed. ‘Well this is awesome.’
"Does that count as lying?" Jayden asked, laughing.
‘It’s called sarcasm, darling.’
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