Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd chuckled. "So I'm guessing you DO want to talk about the reporters?"
‘Sure. Next question.’
"No, now we talk about this." Jayden laid next to Chester.
Chester instinctively put an arm on his waist. ‘Fine, what about it?’
"I dunno, why do you want to talk about them?"
‘I dunno.’ His wing whacked him in the face. He huffed. ‘This is gonna get old real quick.’
"I don't mind it." Jayd chuckled. "Want to get whacked in the face again, or are you going to tell me why you actually want to talk about it?"
‘You’re not the one being abused by a bat wing,’ Chester huffed. ‘Fine. I’m really worried about you, I want to find out who your brother is, and I feel guilty I couldn’t stop the paper from being printed. Happy?’
Jayden would've chuckled at the first bit if Chester hadn't kept talking. He frowned. "Hey, it's ok. You don't have to worry about me, and it's not your fault the paper got printed." He didn't mention the part about his brother.
Chester rolled over to face him. ‘I don’t believe any of that.’
"Well, it absolutely isn't your fault the paper got printed. Besides, I'm fine."
‘I still don’t believe you. It’s fine if you don’t tell me, but-‘
His wing whacked him in the face. ‘OW!’ -
Jayden frowned, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Fine, I'll tell you. Later." He said quietly.
‘Why later?’
"So we can figure this out now."
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