Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester opened the door. Inside was a man, about the same age as Chester and Jayden. He had dark messy hair and olive skin. He wore thin rimmed glasses on the top of his head.
‘Ah, your majesty! What can I help you wi-‘
As he turned around on his wheely chair his eyes widened. ‘Good god!’ -
Jayden didn't think he'd let Chester live down everyone's reactions for a long, long time. He chuckled.
Chester huffed. ‘Good morning to you too, Oliver.’
Oliver stood up and grabbed Chester’s wrist, pulling him forehead, so he could inspect his wings better. ‘What on earth has happened?!’ -
"He just woke up, and started shape-shifting like this." Jayd answered.
‘Interesting, how interesting,’ Oliver mused. He turned Chester around and spread out his wings. ‘Can you control when you shift?’
‘No, sir.’
‘You know, you’re quite hot without a shirt on,’ Oliver said with a goofy grin, sitting back down so he could scribble stuff in a notepad.
Chester rolled his eyes. ‘Don’t you have a boyfriend, doctor?’
‘It should be customary to flirt with the king,’ Oliver said. Chester snorted. -
Jayden laughed. "He does look hot, doesn't he?" He said with a teasing smile.
‘Oh, don’t you start too!’ Chester said.
Oliver grinned. ‘See, even King Human agrees!’ -
"I may be a little biased though." Jayd chuckled.
Oliver chuckled. ‘Still!’ he said. He stood up and took a book off his shelf, started flipping through, then grabbed another and flipped through it as well. ‘So, do you want the good news or the bad news, your majesties?’
Jayd looked at Chester, knowing if he was in his shoes he'd want the good news first.
Chester grimaced. ‘There’s bad news?’
‘Your majesty, don’t you know me? There’s always bad news!’
Chester huffed. ‘Good news, then.’
Oliver nodded. ‘Good choice. The good news is that this..’ he gestured to Chester, ‘can be fixed. The bad news, is that I’m not entirely sure how.’ -
Jayd raised an eyebrow. "I mean, at least it can be fixed." Jayden gave a half smile.
‘You have little faith in me, King Human! I said I’m not entirely sure how to fix it, but I do have an idea!’ Oliver said, grabbing one of the books he’d taken 5 seconds to look through. ‘See, a theory in this book states how someone’s abilities could get scrambled due to large feelings of unresolved affection, anxiety, stuff like that. Like, a teleported could teleport without will or a fire guy could combust into flames at any second.’
He gestured to Chester. ‘And we both know how brooding and moody Chester can get, so it’s a likely explanation.’ -
Jayd chuckled, looking up at Chester. "Any large unresolved feeling lately?" He asked.
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