Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester clenched his jaw and shook his head.
Oliver scoffed. ‘Likely story. So, in theory, to reverse this conundrum, we’ll need to find said feelings of affection and anxiety and resolve them. And, knowing his majesty, he will have a lot of feelings like that because he’s a sad, emo gay boy.’
Chester rolled his eyes. ‘I do not have anxiety. And I’m not any of those things you just said!’
‘Mhm.’ -
Jayden raised an eyebrow. "I'll help him." Jayd smiled.
‘That’s probably for the best. I doubt his majesty would trust me with his sad emo gay boy feelings,’ Oliver said, putting on his glasses as he flipped through a couple more books.
‘I could fire you for that.’
‘You’ve made that threat too much for it to be plausible.’ The doctor grabbed a small bottle from his shelf. ‘This should relieve the severity of your shifts. It won’t stop them, but it’ll make it hurt less.’
Chester took the bottle. ‘Thanks, I guess. But how do you suggest we resolve my sad, emo boy feelings?’ -
Jayden wrapped an arm around Chester. "We'll figure it out." He kissed his cheek.
Chester smiled weakly. Oliver pointed his pen at Jayden.
‘What he said,’ the doctor stated.
‘That’s just code for you have no idea.’
Oliver shrugged. ‘We’ll figure it out! The best thing to do is take your tablets, open up and see what happens. Consult me if nothing happens or it gets worse.’
Chester huffed. ‘I need a new doctor,’ he mumbled. -
"You can have literally any other doctor." Oliver pointed out with a chuckle.
‘Do you want me to fire you?’ Chester asked.
‘You love me too much too do that.’
Chester huffed. ‘Goodbye, Oliver,’ he said, turning towards the door.
‘Cya!’ Oliver said, spinning around on his wheely chair. -
Jayd followed Chester, giving a small smile. "Well, there's a cure!"
‘A hopefully-cure, you mean. I could just be spilling all my secrets and it’d do nothing.’
"At least I'd learn more about you though." Jayden chuckled.
Chester huffed. ‘Trust me, you don’t.’
don’t want to*)
Jayd rolled his eyes. "That's for me to decide."
Chester sighed. ‘If you say so,’ he said. He looked at the pills in his hand. ‘So I suppose we should get started?’
Jayden nodded. "Sure."
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