Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Fine..." Jayd thought a bit. "Why do you hate parties so much? And why can't I throw one?"
Chester buried his face in his hands. ‘Not that question, please.’
Jayden raised an eyebrow. "Ok, ok." He said quietly, wrapping Chester in a hug. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want."
Chester buried his face in Jayden’s shirt. ‘Thank you,’ he mumbled. It gave him a splitting headache, but nuzzled into Jayden seemed to make his better.
Jayd looked at him, holding him. "Of course, you dork." He gave a small smile.
Chester felt himself seem to sink in his arms. After a while, the headache subsided.
"Think this truth telling session solved your shape-shifting thingy?" Jayden asked.
Chester felt his wing hug himself. ‘I don’t think so.’
"Shame. Although, at least you have your lie-detector wings still."
Chester closed his eyes. After a moment, he turned into a half fish, then a half dog.
‘That’s better,’ he decided. -
"Now the tails back!" Jayd cheered.
‘God, I hate you.’ His tail smacked him - hard. Chester’s hand went to his face. ‘That’s gonna bruise me,’ he said.
Jayden chuckled. "Want some ice?"
‘I’ll be fine,’ Chester said. He paused. ‘You’re ugly, and disgusting, and I really really hate your hugs.’ His tail started beating him up, and he morphed into a bunch of other animals that just made him whack himself. ‘Ok, ok!’
"I'm so offended." Jayd mocked.
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