Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden laughed. "Uhh... Can't think of anything else."
Jayd thought a bit more. "I feel like I asked all the good questions. You can ask me stuff if you want."
‘Then ask me the bad questions, I don’t want to be a dog anymore!’
"Like what? What's your favorite color?" Jayden said the last one jokingly.
‘Red or black,’ Chester answered. ‘Wait..’
Jayd laughed. "Good color choices."
Chester huffed. ‘I hate this.’
"Agree to disagree." Jayden chuckled.
Chester rolled his eyes. ‘Ask again.’
"Hmm..." Jayden thought a bit. "We can talk about the reporters now if you want. So it's not just you having to open up."
Chester nodded. ‘Only if you want to.’
"I don't mind." Jayd gave a small smile.
‘Alright,’ Chester said softly.
"So... The reporters." Jayden said awkwardly.
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