Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester huffed. ‘Fine. Was Astrid always a massive a--hole?’
Jayden thought about that for a while. "Not quite as big of an a--hole when he was little, I suppose. Once he turned 14 though..."
‘What happened when he turned fourteen?’
"Hey, that's two questions." Jayd joked, not really minding. "Well, that's when you start forming opinions and hanging out with s---ty people." He shrugged. "Plus, that's when my parents really started treating him like the favorite."
Chester sighed. He figured he could keep all the questions he had for a few minutes. ‘That’s horrible, Jayden.’
Jayd shrugged. "I suppose." He said quietly. "Anyways: What part about Oliver's solution do you think is true?"
‘Hopefully, all of it, but I don’t know.’
"Alright, fair enough."
‘Why did you parents start treating your brother like the favourite?’
"Because he listened to them, didn't run off during the lessons, was more 'royal like', didn't prank everyone..." Jayd looked up at Chester. "You need more reasons?"
Chester smiled softly. He was also always the well-behaved older one. Maeve was always the irresponsible younger one. He hoped he hadn’t been so horrible to her. ‘Terrible reasons.’
Jayden shook his head. "No, they were good ones." He mumbled. "Anyways."
‘Being royal like isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Everyone needs a little chaos on their lives,’ Chester said with a soft smile, quoting him from the first day they met.
Jayd grinned. "You should tell that to Maeve. She'd be overjoyed." He joked. He got noticeably happier.
Chester grinned at his change of mood. ‘She must never know,’ he chuckled. He kissed his forehead.
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