Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘I mean, isn’t that what kings do?’ Chester said softly. ‘What… what laws did he pass?’
"You said you wouldn't press." Jayd mumbled. "No good laws, trust me."
Chester pursed his lips. He was even more worried now. Why had he even asked that question. He gently kissed the back of Jayden’s hand. ‘Baby steps. That’s fine, my love.’
Jayden gave a weak smile. "Thank you."
Chester smiled. ‘Now ask me a a question.’
Jayden thought for a bit. "If Oliver's right, and you do have unresolved anxiety, what's it about?"
‘I-‘ Chester started. His usual response was denying he had any anxiety, but the pills were making him say otherwise. ‘The kingdom, my family, and you, most likely,’ he responded truthfully. He winced.
Jayd's eyes widened. "Oh?" He could've asked why for all of them, but he chose the selfish option. "Why me?"
‘I love you too much to lose you. I’m scared of scaring you off or upsetting you. I’m worried about your personal life. If something happened to you..’ he trailed off.
Jayden froze for a moment, thinking about all that before wrapping Chester in a tight hug. "Hey, you're not going to lose me. No matter what. Get that out of your mind." He said firmly.
Chester was taken aback. He paused a moment for hugging him back. ‘I’ve lost too many people to not worry about this,’ he murmured. ‘I’m sorry, but I need you.’ He nuzzled his face into his shoulder.
"I get it." Jayd said softly, letting him. "I'm not upset, don't worry."
Chester sniffed. He held Jayden close, never wanting to let go.’
"Hey, I love you too much to leave you." Jayden said softly, giving Chester a small smile.
‘I love you too,’ Chester mumbled. ‘Way too much to be healthy.’
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