Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Nope. Now shush and let me tell you how much I love you, beautiful."
‘No,’ Chester murmured, kissing his neck.
Theo chuckled. "Please?"
‘Never.’ Had it been a direct request, he probably would’ve had no choice but to obey
Theo sighed. "Fine."
Chester held him close. -
Jayden looked up at Chester, smiling. -
Chester held him. He smiled. -
"It's your turn if you still want to do the asking questions thingy."
Chester nodded. ‘Do you realise that I’d probably do anything and everything you ask me to?’ His hands moved to his waist. ‘I could be your servant, you know?’
Jayden blushed hard. "Y-you're way too charming." He stammered, chuckling.
Chester smiled. ‘Impossible.’
"Very possible." Jayd smiled.
Chester hooked a finger under his chin.
Jayden blushed, looking up at him.
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