Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd nodded slightly, chuckling.
Chester grinned, kissing him more. 'God, I love you.'
"Love you more." Jayden murmured.
'No you don't.'
"Yes I do." Jayd chuckled.
'No,' Chester murmured, holding him closer. 'I can insist you don't.'
"But I do." Jayden said with a grin, looking up at him.
Chester shook his head. 'Ask me another question.'
"But it's your turn!" Jayd laughed.
'Oh, right. Hmm..' Chester murmured, cupping his cheek in his hand. 'Can you guess how much I love you?'
Jayden blushed. "Not anymore than I love you, that's certain."
'Then you're very wrong.'
Jayd shook his head. "Nope."
'Yep,' Chester stated. 'Now ask me a question. Make it an actual question.'
"Uhm..." Jayden thought for a bit. "Maeve said you used to play pranks with her, before you turned 16. What was the best prank you two pulled?" He figured it was a fair question- plus he could add it to his to-do list.
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