Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Why?" Jayden chuckled. -
'Because I want to help you,' Chester mumbled. 'I want you to be happy.' -
"I'm happy when I'm with you. No having to solve my problems required." -
'But what about when you're not with me?'
Jayd chuckled. "I'm still fine then, sweetheart. Don't worry about me."
Chester buried his head in Jayden's neck. 'I'm still goanna worry.'
Jayd wrapped his arms around Chester. "Why? It's not your job to worry about me." He chuckled.
(goanna TwT)
'It should be.' -
(Best word ever)
"Nope." Jayd looked up at Chester. "You worry about you when we're alone, and I'll worry about me when we're alone too." -
Chester wrapped his arms around his waist. 'You know my brain is never going to agree with that.'
Jayden chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Fair enough. It should though."
'Too bad.'
Jayd smiled, looking up at Chester. "Love you."
Chester smiled. 'You too. Now ask me a question.'
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