Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"There isn't anything wrong with us being together." Jayd agreed, grabbing Chester's hands to try and calm him down. "If I get rid of them, I'm proving to my family that I can't follow their rules, and that I'll just break them all." He shrugged. "It's dumb."
'Their rules?! What rules?!' Chester exclaimed, accidentally directing his anger at Jayden. 'You're king, Jayden. You have no rules to follow but the laws you make.'
Jayden flinched, not liking being the target of the anger. "It's not that simple, Chester. Once I became king, I erased a lot of my brothers old rules since they were unfair. My family didn't like that, since he was a decent king according to them. So they set up a council so I can hear multiple people's arguments for rules. Which would be fine if they didn't have bulls--- ruled for not passing some of them." Jayd sighed.
Chester noticed him flinched. He clenched his jaw, angry at himself for shouting at Jayden. Once he was finished talking, Chester pulled his boyfriend into a hug. 'That's horrible. Maybe when I come I could help you with those rules. Maybe find a loophole or erase them altogether-' he cut himself off when he realized how he sounded, like he was trying to fix all of Jayden's problems for him.
Jayd hugged Chester back. "You don't have to. I'll figure it out." He looked up at his boyfriend. "Thanks for offering though."
Chester gave a weak smile. He really wanted to help, but how could he without seeming clingy and possessive?
'You're welcome. I want to help, though.' -
"I know." Jayden smiled. "I love you for that. But you don't have to." He didn't want to burden Chester with figuring out a solution.
Chester loved hearing that. That Jayden still liked him despite being very clearly possessive. 'Why?'
"Why don't you have to help?" Jayd double checked that was what Chester asked.
Chester blushed. He'd kind of being questioning both of Jayden's statements. 'Yeah.'
"Because it's not your problem, love. And it shouldn't be your problem to deal with." Jayd gave a small smile.
'But I want it to be.'
"Nope. Not your problem." Jayd kissed her nose.
'And I'm very mad about that.'
*His nose (Daaammit)
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