Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Nope, I'm asking you a question now." Jayd said, not wanting to tell Chester any of the laws his ass of a brother made.
'Why?' Chester asked, frowning.
"Because." Jayden said, his fist clenching.
Chester rested his hand on top of Jayden's fist, trying to calm him down. 'Because why?'
"Because I don't want you to get upset by the bulls--- of some of the rules." Jayd said quietly.
'I'll get upset either way,' Chester mumbled. He made a mental note to stuff 5 of those pills down his doctor's throat. He gently touched Jayden's cheek. 'Tell me. Please.'
Jayden leaned his head on Chester's hand slightly. "Don't make me." He whispered. "Not right now."
Chester watched him closely, trying to decipher his expression. Eventually, he sighed. 'As you wish, my love,' he said softly, voice heavy with worry.
Jayd felt bad he couldn't tell Chester what the laws were, but also knew he was NOT in the right state of mind to say any of them. "Thanks."
Chester pulled him close. He tucked a curl behind Jayden's hear, hating how his boyfriend couldn't tell him.
'You're welcome. Now, I owe you about five questions, so ask away.' -
Jayden gave a weak smile. "Why does Mahina get so upset over you not doing pranks with her?"
(Maeve ?)
'We used to do everything together,' Chester answered truthfully. 'Now that I'm king, I guess she feels like we're not much of a family anymore. Especially without mum and dad around.' -
(Screw you for choosing such similar names xD)
Jayden nodded thoughtfully. "I'm sorry." -
Chester shook his head. 'It's fine. Next question.' He got a piercing headache from that, and winced. It was definitely not fine. -
"You ok?" Jayd asked, noticing him wincing. He didn't know if that counted as a question and didn't care.
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