Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester rolled his eyes. 'Fine. But it's your turn to ask me a question.'
Jayden thought for a bit. "You know I won't ever leave you, right?"
Chester shook his head.
Jayd frowned slightly, kissing the top of his head. "Well I won't. Ever."
Chester's tail wagged slightly. 'OK.'
Jayden smiled again. "I love you too much to leave you." He said quietly.
'I love you too.'
Jayd blushed. "Anyways, your turn."
Chester smiled. He played with Jayden's hair, noticing how it curled slightly more at the back. 'You're so pretty,' he mumbled,
Jayden blushed more. "T-that's not a question." He stammered. He hated it when he stuttered.
Chester's finger ran down his arm. 'I know,' he said softly, smiling when Jayden stuttered.
Jayd gave a smile, leaning into Chester more.
Chester held Jayden close, pressing soft kisses into his neck.
Jayden blushed. Hard. "What'd I do to get lucky and end up with you?" He asked, voice muffled by Chester's shirt.
'Not sure,' Chester mumbled between kisses. 'But you did it well.'
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