Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd gave a soft smile.
Chester took a few deep breaths, before looking at him.
Jayden looked at him, ruffling his hair.
Chester smiled weakly. He nuzzled his face back into Jayden’s chest. ‘Sorry for getting all panicky on you.’
"It's ok." Jayd look at him sympathetically, wishing he'd tell him why he was getting so panicky.
Chester exhaled. He waited a moment before murmuring, ‘Is it my turn or yours?’
"It can be my turn." Jayden said softly.
Chester nodded. He thought for a moment before asking, ‘What’s the worst thing your brother has ever done to you?’ He wanted something to beat up that punk for when he got the chance.
Jayd got quiet, not wanting to answer. He leaned into Chester slightly.
Chester held himself close. ‘Jayden?’
"Do I have to answer?" Jayd asked quietly.
Chester shifted his head so he could look at him. ‘No. But I’ll be worried about it forever.’
Jayden looked at Chester apologetically, not wanting to answer, but also not wanting Chester to worry.
Chester wrapped an arm around him. ‘Just the summed up version of you want. I won’t press for details.’
"Threatened to pass a lot of laws when he became king." Jayd mumbled, half hoping Chester didn't hear.
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