Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd blushed, smiling. "Obviously. She'd do like, a bajillion pranks after."
‘100%. But it’s your turn to ask me a question now.’
Jayden thought for a bit. "You know you don't have to have the excuse of literally having to vent to me about all this to stop shifting-malfunctions, and you can just tell me whenever you want, right?"
‘My problems aren’t yours to bear,’ Chester mumbled.
Jayd looked at him. "But I want to help."
‘I’m scared of you thinking of me differently.’ Chester was really starting to hate Oliver’s medication.
"Hey." Jayden looked Chester in the eye. "I love you. Always. That's not going to change."
‘It might if you knew I was a mur-‘ he cut himself off, which made him feel like his head was on fire. ‘No. No, I’m not saying that aloud.’
Jayd looked at Chester, eyebrows raised. "What was that?"
‘Nothing! I-It was nothing!’
Jayden's eyes widened. I mean, what other words started with mur that would make sense. "You're a what?" He asked quietly.
Chester covered his face with his hands. He wished the throbbing in his head would stop so he could think straight. It didn’t help that his tail started attacking him. How pathetic he was right now!
‘Nothing, it was nothing, I swear.’ -
Jayd glared at Chester's tail. "Leave him alone." He demanded, looking back at Chester, wrapping an arm around him.
The tail obeyed, and stopped whacking him. The headache stopped. Chester sighed. He buried his head in Jayden’s shirt. He was so scared Jayden would hate him for what he did, but he tried not to think about it.
Jayden looked at Chester, incredibly worried. "Please tell me?" He asked softly, offering him his hand.
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