Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester buried his face in Jayden’s shirt, both ashamed and embarrassed.
Jayd looked at him, concerned. He wrapped his arms around him in a hug.
Chester’s dog ears dropped against his head. He curled up slightly.
Jayden kissed the top of his head.
Chester sighed. His tail wagged once. ‘Sorry,’ he mumbled.
"For what?" Jayd asked softly.
‘Getting upset. Hurting people. Whatever I have to be sorry for.’
"Hey, you hardly have anything to apologize for. You didn't know you'd hurt people." Jayden cupped Chester's head in his hand and tilted it so he could look Chester in the eye. "I forgive you, beautiful."
Chester smiled weakly. ‘You’re too good to me, Jayden.’
"You're too hard on yourself, Chester." Jayd responded.
Jayden raised an eyebrow. "Tail, I'm preeetty sure he's lying." He chuckled.
Chester chuckled. ‘Next question.’
"Uhhhh...." Jayd thought for a moment. "On a scale of one to ten, how totally fired is Oliver?"
‘Eleven. Next question.’
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