Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"I know, I was asking the tail, shut up."
Chester rolled his eyes. ‘Just ask me another question.’
"Hm... Now can I ask about parties?" Jayd joked, not really going to. "Pills, don't make him answer that."
(Gtg, I'll hopefully be back soon!) -
(Kk, bye!)
‘If you do, I swear to god-‘ -
"I was kidding!" Jayden said quickly. "Besides, I can't think of more questions anyways."
‘Right. Well, you’re going to need to because I want this shifting problem cured,’ Chester turned his head to look at him. ‘Ask anything. You deserve to know most of it, anyway. Just promise that, if I ask you to, you’ll start opening up as well, alright?’
Jayd nodded, knowing his future self might hate him for it, but not caring. "Alright." He did still want to ask Chester about the party, out of curiosity and concern, but also knew he really didn't want to pry.
‘Thank you. Now ask away.’
"...Parties?" Jayden asked quietly.
‘Suggested a prank and it ended badly,’ Chester blurted. It was more than he wanted to share, but not too bad.
Jayd chuckled. "Ok, fair enough." He leaned into him slightly.
‘Like, really badly,’ Chester said, holding him close. ‘Hurt a few people, actually.’ He really wanted himself to stop talking.
Jayden looked at him. "It's ok, you can stop talking if you want to." He said quietly. "Chester's tail, let him shut up if he wants to."
Chester didn’t say anything more.
"I'm sorry." Jayd murmured.
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