Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester walked downstairs, and to his room, opening the door for Jayden.
Jayd smiled. "Thanks." He said, walking into the room.
Chester smiled weakly back. He shut the door after himself and walked to the bathroom. He grabbed a glass, filled it with water from the basin and tipped one of the pills into his hand.
‘Knowing Oliver, this will either kill me or work,’ he said glumly. -
"I'll make sure he's fired if it kills you." Jayd sat down on the bed.
‘Thanks,’ Chester said. He put the pill on his tongue and drank the water. ‘OK, ask me a question.’ He sat on the bed next to Jayden, wings wrapping around him.
"Any unresolved affection and anxiety?" Jayd said, mimicking Oliver's tone of voice.
Chester laughed. ‘I hope not.’
"Alright, fair enough." Jayden chuckled.
Chester chuckled. ‘Try again.’
"Hm... Are we ever going to mention the newspapers again, or are we just going to pretend they never happened because ew?"
‘The latter. Go again,’ Chester said. He did actually want to discuss them, to make sure Jayden was OK.
After he spoke, his bat wings whacked him in the face. ‘Ow!’ -
Jayd chuckled. "You ok?"
‘I’m fine,’ Chester mumbled, rubbing his eye. The wing whacked him again.
A faint hologram-like version of Oliver opened the door. His power was being in many places at once, which Chester found incredibly annoying. ‘Yeah so um.. a side effect of the tablets is that your shifts will do… THAT when you lie. Have fun!’ -
Jayden raised an eyebrow. "No lying to me, love." He chuckled.
Chester groaned and collapsed onto his bed, wings spread out under him. ‘Fine.’
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