Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"And leave me behind?" Jayd chuckled. "Rude."
Chester smirked. He picked Jayden up. ‘This ok, my darling?’ he said with a grin.
Jayden held on to Chester tightly. "Just don't drop me." He laughed.
‘If I drop you, you have full permission to punch me,’ Chester said. He took off.
Jayd smiled, trying not to think about falling. He trusted Chester.
Chester held him close to his chest. They flew up the winding flight of stairs for a couple of floors.
Jayden looked up at the stairs above, smiling.
Chester eventually set him down. The corridor was lined with fancy doors for the specialised workers. It was also the floor Chester’s office was on.
Jayd recognized the floor, smiling.
Chester kissed his forehead. ‘See? I didn’t drop you.’
"Good job, love." Jayden praised him with a laugh.
Chester chuckled. His wings folded against his back as he grabbed Jayden’s hand and walked down the hall.
Jayd followed, smiling.
They passed a few doors before they got to a dark oak one, with a gold doorknob and frame. Chester knocked on the door.
"Come in!" Someone's voice said cheerfully from the office.
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